
Classic Romance II

Cover ImageFor me, what makes a classic book–particularly a romance book–is one great memorable scene. Be it a love scene, a fight scene, or a reconciliation scene.  Velvet Angel is one of my personal favs because of one scene: The heroine is kidnapped naked and bundled into a rug and when the rug is unrolled she tumbles out before her hero–a man she absolutely hates. (Oh, yes go on about misogyny and all that. I like what I like. Sorry.) For me, Jude Devereaux is the epitome of a hella good romance novelist and I would like to think that my own fast, witty style is something I picked up after years of DEVOURING her books.  (Hint, hint for unpublished authors: Write the type of books you love to read).

But I digress.

Of course there are other reasons to love this book. Great tension between the hero and heroine. Fiery arguments and that whole “you say you hate me but your eyes and your body say you love me thing”. Great love scenes (to me historical romance writers really know how to write good ones. Or maybe it just feels naughty because of the time period. LOL.) Fast paced writing.  Good backstory. Interesting secondary characters. Excellent storytelling abilities (this is key because some people write but can’t tell a good story–there is a difference).

I could go on and on.

If you haven’t ever enjoyed a good Jude Devereaux book, start with Velvet Angel.  Trust me you won’t be disappointed.

